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Doll Name: White Buffalo Woman
Sculpted by: Michel Mastel
Doll Height: 24", (60.96cm)
Mouth: Closed
Teeth: none
Ears pierced: Optional
Head Circum: 8
Head: Socket head
Wig Size: 8-9in
Pate Size:
Eyes: 12-14mm or painted
Eyelashes: Lashes or Painted
Neck Button Size: 30mm
Shoe Style: 
Shoe Size:
Body Type: Cloth
Pattern Body: 741-PB24WBuffWomanLocF4D1
Pattern Outfit: 741-PO2424WBuffWomanLocF4D1
Worksheet: Avaliable 
Porcelain Body parts used: Over the nevk Head, shoulderower arms and legs
Poured in French Bisque, Note: another color
Used Molds: Complete Used Set: Price: $200.00 Weight: 00 lbs.
Item ID: 741-24WBuffaloWoman-LocF1


There is a 2000 year old Lakota White Buffalo Calf Woman Prophecy that states the birth of a white buffalo signifies the restoration of balance and spirituality to a troubled world.


"The White Buffalo Calf Woman (Pte Ska Win) is the sacred woman of a supernatural origin who came to the Lakota people at a desperate time in our history. She brought us instructions for balance, harmony, abundance and hope. Today, she and the White Buffalo remain the symbols to work towards peace and goodness for all people...we are all related.  They are recogniozed as the omen for inspiring, caring and positive change."  reference: White Buffalo Calf Society





See information regarding timeframes when out of stock.
  • Addl slip color choices, of limited availability, can be purchased for an addl fee $10; Aztec Tan, French Chocolate or Brown Velvet. Choose addl color in “Add a Note” box on cart page and an invoice will be sent to you.

    Eye cutting/Sizing:$20; Eyehole Starter:$2; Mouth opening only:$10; Mouth opening with teeth/tongue:$20; Pierced ears:$5; Glazed parts:$15. These extras can be added when ordering soft fired greenware, bisque or painted dolls.

    When ordering these use the "Add a Note" box on cart page to order these items and an invoice will be sent to you for these costs.


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