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140-BOOK: The History and Art of Googlies by Anita Ladensack


Title: The History and Art of Googlies

Publisher: Brand: Hobby House Press

Publication Date: 2002

Binding: Hardcover

Condition: Like new

The impish face with big side glancing eyes beguiles many doll collectors and antiques aficionados. Author Anita Ladensack has researched an in-depth history of the Googly dolls crafting a handsome book with nearly 324 color photographs. Marvel at the bevy of examples from the master European doll makers of googly-eyed dolls: Kestner, Gebruder and Ernst Heubach, Armand Marseille, Max Handwerck, Kammer & Reinhardt, Hertel & Schwab Hermann Steiner, Goebel, all-bisque and many more. Also examples of French, Italian and English-connected Googlies appear in photographs. The exaggerated eyes were meant to reflect the wide-eyed wonderment of a child. If you love antique dolls you will need this book that lovingly chronicles the googly-eyed dolls. 324 color photos.


BOOKS: The History and Art of Googlies

SKU: 140-The History and Art of Googlies
$38.50 Regular Price
$28.88Sale Price
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