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140-BOOK:German Porcelain Dolls, 1836-2002 Hardcover

by Mary Gorham Krombholz (Author)

Title: German Porcelain Dolls, 1836-2002 

Publisher: Hobby House Pr Inc

Publication Date: 1993

Binding: Hardcover

Condition: Like new, 176 pages

This outstanding reference book features tantalizing color photos and descriptions of over 350 dolls produced in German porcelain factories from 1836 to the present. Take a pictorial tour of a 100-year-old porcelain factory to learn how antique porcelain dolls were made. Original sample books, old doll molds and porcelain shards identify the makers of many previously unknown china, parian-type, and bisque dolls. From the Kestner dolls to the artist dolls of today, this book provides an in depth look at sought-after German porcelain dolls. The colorful Hertwig bonnet head dolls, the expressive Gebruder Heubach character dolls, the top-of-the-line Kestner dolls, the captivating Simon & Halbig dolls as well as the detailed Carl Schneider half dolls are showcased in this book. Dozens of early, unmarked chinas made by the A.W. Fr. Kister porcelain factory in Scheibe-Alsbach are pictured in detail. Dolls from the following porcelain factories are also included in this book: Alt, Beck & Gottschalck; Baehr & Proeschild; Wm. And F.W. Goebel; Ernst Heubach; C.F. Kling & Co.; Gebruder Knoch; Gebruder Kuhnlenz; Limbach; Armand Marseille; Theodor Recknagel; Carl Scheidig; Schoenau-Hoffmeister; Swaine & Co.; Hermann Voigt; and Weiss, Kuhnert and Co. This is a must-have book for the doll lover. 350 color photos.

BOOKS: German Porcelain Dolls, 1836-2002 Hardcover

SKU: 140-GermanPorcelainDolls1836-2002
$80.50 Regular Price
$40.25Sale Price
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